Jacked Crusader Team Training Program

Jacked Crusader Team Training Program


This team goal is to build muscle size and strength using the barbell squat, bench, and deadlift. The program will use a blend of hypertrophy and strength protocols to increase a powerlifting total without sacrificing work capacity and mobility. The plan is delivered virtually through the TrainHeroic app with weekly competitions to stay engaged and push performance. The plan is set for 5 days per week, most days being strength focused, with one dedicated conditioning day geared towards improving strength in the big three lifts.

The team usually builds up to a 1, 3, or 5 rep max every 10-12 weeks to make sure progress is being made. This is our version of a powerbuilding block so expect some gains in size as well as strength. We are not held responsible for the cost of new clothes when you out grow your shirts and pants!


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