Strongman Team Training Program

Strongman Team Training Program


This team training program is geared towards creating the ultimate strongman. The program is 5-6 day per week and is delivered virtually through the TrainHeroic app. There are weekly challenges amongst the other members of the team to drive competition and improve performance. Strongman training involves a wide range of implements and events, so this program will phase in variety more frequently to build proficiency in all the events.

The general focus is always on overhead pressing, deadlifts, squat variations, carrying and loading events, and conditioning to improve strength performance. What makes this program differ from other strongman programs is the integration of conditioning and movement enhancement to prevent injuries and improve athleticism.

The program is typically 4 days of strength training with 1 day of dedicated conditioning and 1 day of optional event training. Join now to improve functional strength statically and dynamically.


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